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Things to Consider When Thinking About Hair Loss Treatments


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Hair loss affects men and women, and it can start as early as the teenage years, depending on the cause. The cause of hair loss will also determine the experience. For example, how will it happen, and will it regrow without intervention?

Some people may consider this topic to be no big deal, but it is a very serious concern for many individuals who experience it. The most common cause for hair loss is heredity and by no means does it only affect men. According to Medical News Today, 40% of those who suffer hair loss are women. Studies have shown that hair loss affects people psychologically and may lead to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. It’s an important topic and there are numerous things to take into consideration when thinking about hair loss treatments.

Causes of Hair Loss

If you are experiencing hair loss, you need to know what’s causing it before you try to treat it.  There are many reasons a person may experience hair loss. Here are some reasons, but this is not an inclusive list.    

  • Heredity (the most common)
  • Alopecia areata (auto-immune disease)
  • Age
  • Childbirth
  • Cancer treatment
  • Haircare
  • Hairstyling (braids, extensions)
  • Stress
  • Scalp infection
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Medication
  • Sexually transmitted disease
  • Thyroid disease
  • Vitamin or mineral deficiency

With a list this long, you can imagine that the reason someone is losing hair is not always obvious. If you aren’t sure what type of doctor to visit for examining hair loss, a good place to start is a dermatologist. If you do know the cause, there are many professional treatments available. Professional treatments to address hair loss may also be costly, and treatments may not yield results.

FDA Approved Treatments for Hair Loss

The FDA has only approved two medications to treat hereditary pattern hair loss: Minoxidil and Finasteride. The latter may not be safe for all women. Other medications exist but are not FDA-approved. There are also solutions offered by cosmetic surgeons and other specialists, including hair transplants. Before deciding on the solution that’s right for you, be sure to know the root cause.

Some causes of hair loss may be lifestyle related. Healthy lifestyle choices are always something to consider and may help resolve hair loss. So, let’s start there. Here are some easy things to consider that will keep your hair and scalp healthy.

A Proper Hair-Care Routine

Washing your hair daily with a mild shampoo and conditioner will keep your scalp clean and your hair healthy. Harsh formulas can lead to dry hair and breakage. According to a study about the health effects of coconut oilcoconut oil has been touted as a highly effective solution to help prevent hair damage from UV light exposure and daily grooming. Olive oil is another natural solution that helps prevent dryness and breakage. 

An affordable shampoo and conditioner that promotes thicker, fuller-looking hair is Mild By Nature Citrus Squeeze Thickening Shampoo. This is a pH-balanced and cruelty-free formula that contains biotin, B-Complex, and panthenol. This shampoo can be paired with Mild By Nature Citrus Squeeze Thickening Conditioner. This is a well-loved brand, and it is gentle enough to use daily.

For deep conditioning, you can apply a few tablespoons of olive oil to your hair and rinse it out after letting it sit for 30 minutes. Organic olive oil is your best option. Consider La Tourangelle Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Coconut oil is another great product to incorporate into your hair care routine. It can be left in the hair overnight for a deep conditioning treatment, or used in place of conditioner. You can also apply it 30 minutes prior to washing your hair as a pre-treatment. Only a small amount is needed so a little goes a long way. A great option to consider is California Gold Nutrition Organic Coconut Oil. 

Rosemary oil is also touted as a stimulant for hair growth. Know that essential oils must be diluted in carrier oil. Adding a few drops of rosemary oil to coconut or olive oil is believed to be highly effective at promoting hair growth.

Gentle Hair Styling

Wearing your hair in tight ponytails or other styles that pull on your hair can cause it to fall out. Tight braiding can also lead to hair damage, as can excessive use of heat styling. When using heat to style your hair, heat protectants can help prevent damage. Some heat protectants also contain nourishing ingredients such as coconut oil and can help hair appear less frizzy. If you use hair extensions, consider taking a break to ensure excessive stress is not placed on the roots of your hair. If you can’t bear the thought of a break from extensions, consider changing the method. If you wear extensions that are bonded to your hair, alternate with tape-in or clip-in extensions. 

If you have chemically treated hair, some ingredients in hair color can cause excessive damage to your hair, ultimately leading to hair loss. Organic hair color is an option but ask your stylist or look for products that don’t contain ammonia or peroxide.

Take a Daily Multivitamin

Vitamins and minerals play a role in hair loss. Iron, selenium, zinc, and vitamins A, B, C, and D have all been identified by researchers to have an important role in healthy hair. Deficiencies can affect the rate of cell turnover, hair growth, and hair retention. California Gold Nutrition Multivitamins contain all the essential vitamins and minerals to support healthy hair and this formula also contains biotin, which is believed to support a healthy hair cycle. Another multivitamin, Naturelo One Daily has a formula for men and women that contains a comprehensive list of vitamins and minerals to support a healthy lifestyle. For more information, check out this other article on the iHerb blog: The Best Supplements for Glowing Skin, Healthy Hair, and Strong Nails.

Minimize Stress

The effects of stress on the human body are profound and it’s true that stress can lead to hair loss. There are many ways to manage stress and this stress management guide offers tips on different types of teas, essential oils, exercise, and much more that can help you manage stressful periods in your life. Herbs are also an option to consider that can help manage stress and this article on de-stressing herbs has recommendations that may be helpful to you which you can discuss with your doctor.

Additional Supplements to Promote Healthy Hair

Additional supplements can be incorporated into your daily routine that may influence hair growth and scalp health. However, before incorporating any supplements or new vitamins into your daily routine, you should check with your doctor first.

Saw Palmetto 

Saw Palmetto is an herb that may help improve hair growth in men. Studies have shown it affects testosterone levels which play a role in hair loss. This herb is also considered to help men maintain a healthy prostate. NOW Foods is a brand I trust and these Saw Palmetto soft gels have a pumpkin seed oil base which is an essential fatty acid.


Ginseng is another herb that may help promote hair growth on your scalp. NOW Foods makes a Panax Ginseng Supplement too. Studies have not concluded what the appropriate dosage is and whether the herb should be used topically or consumed in the form of a capsule. However, some research looks promising, and this is another herb that you can consider. Again, speak with your doctor first because not all herbs are appropriate for everyone.  

What Are My Options When It Comes to Hair Loss?

While there are many contributing factors to hair loss, these are things to consider incorporating into your lifestyle that may help to reverse or slow the process. Take comfort in knowing if these options don’t work for you, there may be prescription medications, laser treatments, platelet-rich plasma, micro-needling, and other solutions available to help you once the cause of your hair loss is confirmed. The sooner you address the symptoms, the more likely you are to identify a treatment that will help you regrow or stop the loss of your hair.

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