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Alpha GPC: Brain-Boosting Benefits + More


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With an ever-increasing spotlight on brain health and cognition enhancement, alpha-glycerophosphocholine, more commonly known as alpha GPC, has been gaining popularity.

Alpha GPC has been touted as one of the most effective supplements in brain health. But what exactly is alpha GPC, and does alpha GPC have health benefits?

What Is Alpha GPC?

Alpha GPC, short for alpha-glycerophosphocholine and also known as choline alfoscerate, has gained popularity recently for its numerous health benefits. Alpha GPC is a naturally occurring molecule with a high choline content. Approximately 41% of the weight of alpha GPC is choline.

This supplement is usually grouped with other compounds called nootropics. Nootropics are a category of pharmaceuticals and/or supplements that help to support and enhance cognitive function.

What Is Choline?

The body makes alpha GPC from choline. Choline is an essential nutrient needed for optimal health and wellness of the body. While choline is neither a vitamin nor a mineral, it is often associated with the group of B vitamins due to sharing similar physiological pathways in the body.

Choline is necessary for normal metabolism, acts as a methyl donor, and even plays a critical role in producing certain neurotransmitters, like acetylcholine.

Choline, a vital nutrient found naturally in human breast milk, is added to commercial formula preparations for infants.

Although the body does produce choline in the liver, it’s not enough to support the needs of the human body. This shortfall in choline production in the body means that dietary choline intake is necessary. If dietary choline intake is insufficient, then a choline deficiency may occur.

Research suggests that choline deficiency is linked to atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, liver disease, and even neurological disorders. Furthermore, it is estimated that most people do not get enough in their diets.

While choline can be naturally found in foods like beef, eggs, soybeans, quinoa, and red-skinned potatoes, supplementing with alpha GPC can help increase choline levels in the body quickly.

Health Benefits of Alpha GPC

Research indicates that alpha GPC may have numerous health benefits.

Since alpha GPC is made in the body, it is metabolized into phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidylcholine, a major component of lecithin, is present in all cells in the body and is used to support the body in many different ways, including liver health, gallbladder health, metabolism, and the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine is a chemical messenger that allows nerve cells to communicate with other nerve cells, muscle cells, and even glands. Acetylcholine is necessary for many functions like regulating the heartbeat, maintaining blood pressure, and regulating the internal movements of the intestines.

While acetylcholine deficiency is most often linked to the disorder myasthenia gravis, low amounts of the neurotransmitter have also been associated with poor memory, learning difficulties, low muscle tone, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Research suggests that alpha GPC can help to increase acetylcholine in the brain because it is rapidly absorbed and readily crosses the blood-brain barrier.

This ability allows alpha GPC to have some pretty unique health benefits, like helping to boost memory, enhancing cognition, increasing athletic performance, and increasing growth hormone secretion.

1. Alpha GPC and Memory Boosting

Studies suggest that alpha GPC may help to support memory function and formation because of its relationship to acetylcholine. Since acetylcholine is crucial for memory production and retention, alpha GPC may help to boost memory production.

One animal study involving rats found that alpha GPC supplementation helped to boost memory function while protecting the brain from harmful effects brought on by stress.

Another animal study found that supplementing with alpha GPC helped improve brain cell growth and protect against brain cell inputs and death after a seizure.

In humans, studies have been done assessing alpha GPC supplementation with memory and word recognition in individuals with age-related hearing loss.

Still, another study involving 57 participants between the ages of 65 and 85 years separated into invention and control groups found that alpha GPC supplementation was able to increase word recognition scores over 11 months significantly. The control group that did not receive alpha GPC worsened their word recognition scores. Furthermore, there were little to no side effects reported among groups using alpha GPC for the period during the study.

While alpha GPC may help boost memory, research suggests it may also help improve overall cognition.

2. Alpha GPC and Cognition Enhancement

Studies indicate that alpha GPC may help improve and enhance cognition beyond memory rendition. 

For example, one double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study involved over 260 male and female participants between 60 to 80 years old who were diagnosed with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. The participants were either given alpha GPC or a placebo 3 times a day for 180 days.

At the 90-day mark, the study found that those in the alpha GPC group had a marked increase in cognitive function. After the study, those in the alpha GPC group had an overall increase in cognitive function and a decrease in scores on the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS). In contrast, those in the placebo group either had scores that remained unchanged or worsened. The GDS is a screening test that helps healthcare providers assess the condition of a person’s dementia.

Another study found that supplementation with alpha GPC may help to slow cognitive decline in older adults who also have high blood pressure. The study involved 51 older participants separated into 2 groups. One group received alpha GPC supplementation, while the other group did not. Upon follow-up at the 6-month mark, the study found a significant improvement in cognition in the alpha GPC group. The study suggested that alpha GPC improved blood vessel integrity and growth, which helped increase brain perfusion and improved cognition.

While alpha GPC may help to enhance cognition, studies suggest it may help increase athletic performance.

3. Alpha GPC and Enhancing Athletic Performance

While research indicates that alpha GPC may benefit cognition, studies also show that this amazing nootropic may have wide-ranging benefits for the body.

Studies indicate that alpha GPC supplementation may help benefit exercise performance and strength. For example, one double-blind placebo-controlled study involved 13 college-aged males taking alpha GPC for 6 days. The participants completed several different exercises that involved both upper and lower-body isometric exercises. The study found that supplementation with alpha GPC improved isometric strength better than placebo.

Another double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study involved 14 male college football players aged between 20 and 21 years. The participants received an alpha GPC supplement 1 hour before they performed a range of exercises, including vertical jumping, isometric exercises, and muscle contractions. The study found that supplementing with alpha GPC before exercise may help improve the speed at which heavy weights are lifted. The study also found that alpha GPC supplementation may help to reduce exercise-related fatigue.

Studies suggest that alpha GPC may not only help with athletic performance but may also help to increase growth hormone production.

4. Alpha GPC and Increasing Growth Hormone Secretion

Human growth hormone, known as HGH, is a hormone produced but the pituitary gland in the brain. HGH is necessary for overall health in both children and adults. In children, HGH is responsible for increasing height by promoting the growth of bones and cartilage.

In adults, HGH can help to promote healthy bones by increasing bone density and support healthy muscles by enhancing muscle mass growth. HGH has also been known to enhance athletic performance, and its direct use through injections has been banned in many sports.

Since HGH production naturally starts to decrease during middle age, this can lead to an increase in abdominal fatty tissue buildup, decreased muscle mass, weaker bones, poor cardiovascular health, and even an increased risk of mortality.

Research suggests that alpha GPC supplementation may help to promote increased growth hormone secretion even in middle-aged individuals.

One double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study involved seven men between the ages of 30 and 37 doing weight lifting and resistance training after supplementing with alpha GPC. The study found that supplementing with alpha GPC before engaging in weight training and resistance exercises increased growth hormone secretion by a whopping 44-fold as opposed to only a 2.6-fold increase.

Increased HGH production in middle age has been associated with less body fat, more muscle mass growth, and better cognition.


Alpha GPC is a readily available choline supplement that may help to improve memory, enhance cognition, improve authentic performance, and even increase growth hormone production and secretion.

Including alpha GPC into a healthy routine may bring lifelong benefits to the brain and the body and promote overall wellness for years to come.


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